Governor Brian Kemp on Friday announced he would be appointing Kelley Robertson to the Hall County State Court.
Robertson currently serves as the Chief Assistant District Attorney in the Office of the District Attorney for the Northeastern Judicial Circuit.
Robertson will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of B.E. Roberts, III, according to a press release from Governor Brian Kemp's office.
She previously served as an assistant district attorney and as a staff attorney under Judge Kathlene Gosselin.
Robertson received a B.A. in sociology from Emory University and her J.D. from the University of Georgia School of Law.
"She is active in her community, with service on the boards of the Gateway Domestic Violence Center, the Rape Response non-profit, and the Georgia Mountain Food Bank," the release reads.
Robertson also serves as a volunteer instructor and faculty member for the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia.
Robertson and her family live in Gainesville.