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Summer: Downtown 'something to crow about'

By by Ken Stanford
GAINESVILLE - Declaring downtown Gainesville is "something to crow about," Main Street Gainesville Chairman Dan Summer kicked off Main Street's annual meeting Thursday night, at which more than a dozen individuals were singled out for special honors.

Summer said downtown is a place for all citizens to enjoy anytime of the day or night, seven days a week, and any week of the year. He noted it is now home to more than twenty restaurants offering just about any dining experience, menu variety and range of prices - with or without live entertainment.

As for the "state" of Main Street Gainesville, Summner said:

*Membership is at an all time high with over 100 members

*Economic development activities were at a high level last year with an investment of over $14.5 million in the renovation of existing buildings and the construction of new buildings downtown. (These projects were recognized Thursday night with Main Street's Golden Nail Awards. See list at the end of this article.)

*Twelve new businesses located downtown with employment of 56 new employees.

*Main Street was again recognized as a National Main Street Community by the National Trust.

*Main Street Market and Streetscape won Awards from the Georgia Downtown Association.

*The Main Street parking lot was reconstructed.

*Downtown received coverage in Southern Living, Our Towne and Gainesville Life magazines, among other publications.

Golden Nail Awards for Year 2003 Projects:

*Rudy Pittman-Renovation of Park Place

*Karen McHugh-Renovation of 224 Main Street for Crescent Moon Yoga Studio

*Fox Gradin-Renovation of space for Celestial Studios-301 Washington Street

*Sherry Matthews-Renovation of 114 Washington Street-Cool Stuff of Household Interest

*Kathy and Harrison Haynes-Renovation of 114 Washington Street

*Anna Jennings-Renovation of 111 Bradford St.-Side Street Studio

*Pastor Tim Atwood-New construction and renovation at St. Paul United Methodist Church

*Robert Winebarger-New Northeast Georgia History Center

*Dan and Chandelle Summer-Renovation of Perdue's Building-120 Bradford Street

*Phyllis Stiner-Renovation of 113 Bradford Street-Unison Micro Computer

*Danny & Brenda Pridgen and Karen and Heath Guyton-Renovation of Woolworth Building

*Milton Robson-Construction of Mule Camp Springs office building

*Kit Dunlap-New construction and renovation of Chamber Building

*Roger Eldridge-North Georgia Auto Glass
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