Monday March 3rd, 2025 6:50PM

Hot Smidge summer

Have you ever gotten so sucked in to being a couch potato that even you realize something has to change?

That’s how I felt the other day when I spent two hours napping with a streaming service on autoplay. My boyfriend joked I needed another hobby.

But I think he was right, and I don’t think he knows what can of worms he just opened.

I like to sew, and I’m pretty ok at it. I’m fast at hand sewing, probably because my mother taught me the skill at 3 or 4 and I ran with it. I’m generally too impatient to attempt to follow patterns so I can make my own clothing but every now and then when the whim strikes me I’ll make those repairs to clothing or household items made of fabric I’ve put off, or stitch up some terrifying little doll (like I’m currently doing.)

But as I was stitching my strange little scrap doll just to do it, I realized no one was going to appreciate my oddly-shaped, slightly frightening doll but me. Hmm. I needed to do a different project that would benefit everyone.

And naturally, my first thought was “dog bikini.”

Can you imagine Smidge in a hot pink bikini, lounging on the deck or in a kiddie pool? The imagery was too cute. I started planning.

So far I’ve determined a string bikini will be the easiest to wrestle her in to, unless I want to get serious with some Velcro strips or buttons. And she’s gotta have a tail hole for maximum wagability. I also decided to personify the top instead of making it anatomically correct for dogs, though I haven’t ruled that out for the potential of Smidgey Swimwear #2. I’ll buy stretchy fabric instead of using scraps for an authentic look (I say, admitting my general laziness.)

I’m weirdly excited to make my dog a bikini. Like, if I’m gonna sew random stuff as a hobby, why not practice on things that are funny or just plain weird? As Marie Kondo says, if it sparks joy….

Maybe if this goes well I’ll make Cairo a pair of swim trunks.

  • Associated Tags: Reigning Cats and Dogs
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