Monday March 3rd, 2025 3:24PM

A hand turkey for my turkeys

Do you remember making hand turkeys as a kid? You’d trace your hand and each finger was a “feather” and sometimes you were told to write in something you’re grateful for.

If I was to make a hand turkey this week (which I just may for fun) I would most certainly write my pets in on one of the “feathers.” How could I not? Those little hooligans offer me a great amount of joy, which surpasses the amount of nonsense they also bring.

I’d like to take this moment to list off some of the things about my pets I am grateful for.

Smidge, my spicy Chihuahua who has her challenges with outsiders, is impressively loyal to me. She always wants to be with me, too close to be my shadow. Sometimes she follows me all the way upstairs and falls asleep in her bed while I do something, all because she wanted to be near me while I was doing whatever it was – cleaning, laundry, anything. I am grateful for the moments when she wants to curl up with me and then cruises straight down dream street; I am grateful for every snore and lap nap. Smidge is outspoken about her needs and not a people-pleaser, something I should occasionally consider; she’s tough and ready to take on whatever life throws at her.  I am inspired when she adjusts her behavior or learns a new trick, and grateful to be working with her to learn more and be the best dog she can be. And, I am grateful that every day, we have a little walk, just me and her.

Cairo is my cool cat, he is literally the coolest. I am incredibly grateful for his friendly and accommodating personality. Most cats would smack a dog that gives chase to them, but Cairo plays along with the game. He’s always diffusing things when Smidge gets haughty or jealous. He gives her space to exist and gets his fill at other times, like during our morning sit-togethers, where I pet and rub him and he explodes with purrs, just for a few minutes before I leave for work; I’m grateful when I wake up in the middle of the night and he’s using my ankles as a pillow; I’m grateful when he sneaks onto my lap in the evening while Smidge is occupied. I’m grateful for how many times people have said, “I don’t really like cats, but I love Cairo!” I’m tremendously grateful I’ve had him by my side through the thick and thin of my 20s.

I think I ran out of “feathers" on those hand turkeys.

I truly can’t imagine a world without my precious pets in it, they make my whole world a little better. They are two distinct personalities that add so much to the mix. I am forever grateful that Cairo and Smidge stumbled into my life and changed it forever.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! And remember, no feeding the pets from the table!

  • Associated Tags: Reigning Cats and Dogs
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