Monday March 3rd, 2025 3:23PM

Celebrating 8 years with a new food search

Cairo and I celebrated eight years of togetherness this weekend, naturally, with something tasty.

I cracked open a can of Fancy Feast for my fancy beast, made him take a dumb picture, and then he thoroughly enjoyed his cheap wet food. None for me.

With two pets, I am feeding them on a budget. I try to go middle of the road, look for more meat content, less byproducts, the normal healthy consumer thing. I was fairly confident in my selections until I got a notice in my email that Cairo’s food was being canceled.

And not just an order of his food was canceled, but his special weight management for fat cats food was no longer going to be made by the brand. It had been hashtag canceled, for real.

So I’ve been searching for a new food. I have some requirements. First, it’s gotta be chicken (his favorite, he is a Gainesville kitty after all) and second, it has to minimal-to-no fish products in it. Not only does Cairo begrudgingly undereat his fish-based food, it also wreaks havoc on my allergies. On fish-based food, every time he licks himself, those little hairs travel to me and my stuff and then my eyes get itchy and swollen, and my nose starts running. I don’t know if Cairo won’t eat fish-based food because he just doesn’t like it, or if he sees me in my pitiful reactive state and has some furry empathy for me.

One of my other requirements is that it’s not super expensive. Oy.

I did find one of those pet subscription food services that delivers human-grade wet food to your door, and it has no fish products (I even asked to be sure.) So while it veers onto the expensive side, I’m also not writing it off just yet.

For one, no fish problems. And two, Cairo is getting older. We just celebrated eight years together. And he’s a big boy… surely the all kibble, all the time diet isn’t helping him lose any weight. Maybe the fresh stuff could help my hunky chunk slim down a little.

I should jump in on this idea, considering all the pros, but there is one more con: a jealous little dog who will absolutely try to steal a bite. Which she did Saturday, when he was eating his celebratory Fancy Feast. For shame, Smidge, stealing cat food.

The pros still outweigh the cons. Worst case scenario, I end up feeding both of the pets better quality food and suck up the cost.

Now that I type that out, it really doesn’t sound that bad. I enjoy a nice meal, too. Maybe one pet at a time.

  • Associated Tags: Reigning Cats and Dogs
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