Monday March 3rd, 2025 3:16PM

A dream about a dog

I had a random dream about our late family dog, Sparkle, last night. Sparkle passed away earlier this year after battling cancer.

The details of the dream don’t really matter. When I woke up, I missed my buddy.

So many things still remind me of her. The fact that her leash is gone from the leash rack in my foyer, the little tag my mom gave me, a random pen I bought at PetSmart while she was taking training classes there many moons ago. And of course, little pictures in little frames or that pop up in my photo memories on my phone. All of these things make me think of Sparkle.

I guess it goes to show that the adage is true – they leave paw prints on your heart.

It only hurts a tiny bit now when I realize she’s gone. Like when I woke up this morning and was thinking about how in my dream, there was Sparkle, and I was holding her in my Mom’s convertible. Boy, she loved going for car rides, especially in the convertible. She liked to stick her head out the window or over the side of the car and let the wind blow through her fur. Her enjoyment was usually contagious.

While Sparkle isn’t really here, maybe it’s a little hello from the heavens that she was in my dream. Sure, I’ll be cheesy about it – she’s always in our hearts. And dreams.

  • Associated Tags: Reigning Cats and Dogs
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