GAINESVILLE - The Gainesville City School System has announced plans for Choice Enrollment, Pre-K Registration, and Kindergarten Registration for the 2016-17 school year.
Pre-K registration and Pre-K Lottery drawing for 2016-17
Pre –K registration will take place February 1-5, 2016 at New Holland Knowledge Academy located @ 170 Barn Street. The lottery drawing for all Pre-K slots will take place on February 15, 2016.
Kindergarten Enrollment for 2016-17
Parents/Guardians should register rising kindergarten students at the elementary school they would like their child to attend for the upcoming 2016-17 school year on January 11-22, 2016 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Parents should bring the following documents: birth certificate, immunization form #3231, ears, eyes and dental certificate #3300, social security card (if available), and 2 proofs of residency documents which include one of the following: current lease/mortgage/purchase agreement, current warranty or quit claim deed, current paycheck stub, current homeowner’s insurance policy AND a copy of a current (within 30 days) utility (gas, water, electric, cable/internet bill with service address), and photo ID of parent/guardian.
Centennial Arts Academy 852 Century Place 770 287- 2044
Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy 1340 Enota Ave NE 770 532- 7711
Fair Street IB Academy 695 Fair Street 770 536- 5295
Gainesville Exploration Academy 1145 McEver Road 770 287- 1223
New Holland Knowledge Academy 170 Barn Street 770 287- 1095
Currently Enrolled City Residents in Grades K-11
Choice Enrollment forms will come home with currently enrolled kindergarten through 11th grade students on January 8, 2016. Parents should complete and return choice enrollment forms to the schools by January 22, 2016. Choice forms that are not returned by January 22, 2016 will result in the child being automatically placed at the currently selected school for 2016-17.
Newly Enrolling City Resident Students in Grades 1-11
Newly enrolling city residents should register at the School Board Office located @ 508 Oak Street from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Parents should bring the following documents: birth certificate, immunization form #3231, ears, eyes and dental certificate #3300, social security card, school transcripts/records, 2 proofs of residency documents which include one of the following: current lease/mortgage/purchase agreement, current warranty or quit claim deed, current paycheck stub, current homeowner’s insurance policy and a copy of a current (within 30 days) utility (gas, water, electric, cable/internet bill with service address), and photo ID of parent/guardian.
Newly Enrolling Non Residents for 2016-17
Newly enrolling non-residents for the upcoming 2016-17 school year should register at the Gainesville City School System Central Office located at 508 Oak Street beginning January 11 – 22, 2016 from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Parents should bring the following documents: birth certificate, immunization form #3231, ears, eyes and dental certificate #3300, social security card, photo ID of parent/guardian, and school transcripts/records. Parents will be notified of acceptance or denial on or before February 1, 2016.
For additional information, please contact Priscilla Collins, Chief Professional Services Officer, at [email protected] or 770-536-5275.