GAINESVILLE - Sweet Magnolias, a downtown Gaineville restaurant, has new owners: Dharma and Paresh Patel, longtime residents of Hall County.<br />
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"We love the excitement of this business,"said Dharma Patel, "and understand the menu items which have been so appealing through the years here. We'll continue to offer high-quality food, efficient service and a warm,welcoming atmosphere. That is what customers have come to appreciate."<br />
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Located inside Main Street Market on the downtown square, the café/bakery/bistro opened 12 years ago. In addition to gourmet lunches, Sweet Magnolias caters and delivers its full menu.<br />
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"There are so many business lunches or receptions that we've learned about. In many cases, it is far more efficient for a business or organization to place their catering and delivery order with us. We respect the reputation of Sweet Magnolias and promise to uphold it as we grow," said Paresh Patel. "We'll also be supporting the many activities on the downtown square and look forward to meeting new friends."