BRASELTON - Registration begins Feb. 25 for the next round of BULLI courses in Braselton. <br />
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The courses will be taught March 24-May 2.<br />
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BULLI (Brenau University Learning and Leisure Institute) courses are non-credit, have no exams and no prerequisites. Once you have your annual membership, you may take as many courses as you wish for $40 per course. <br />
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Registration kickoff is at 6:00 Feb. 25 at the Braselon Police & Municipal Court Building.<br />
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After that, registration can be completed at the Braselton Town Hall during regular business hours. Call 706-654-5720 or email
[email protected] for more information.<br />
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Dates, times and location of courses to be offered:<br />
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MONDAY<br />
Do you love the look of calligraphy? Do you want to try it for yourself? This course is an introduction to the basic tools and basic strokes of the art. Engrosser's Script is the script used on the U. S. Constitution's document. Learn upper and lower case letters, and flourishes. Learn to draw lines with tools and learn the use of the light pad and other related tools of the calligraphic trade. Supply fee $15.00 Instructor is Mamie Velez.<br />
Monday 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.<br />
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Do you own a gun? Is it gathering dust somewhere? Do you know how to use it? This is<br />
a class for new or out of practice gun owners. The course, taught by law enforcement professionals, will cover care, handling, permitting and cleaning your gun. Experts will discuss your rights and responsibilities as a gun owner. Students will have multiple opportunities to visit an indoor range with certified instructors available to help with shooting techniques. Braselton Assistant Police Chief Lou Solis will lead this class. Class members bring their own gun and ammunition.<br />
Monday, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.<br />
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The intent of the course is to bring the art of Georgia folk pottery from the wrokshops to the classroom! Discovery the history of past generations through parents, grandparents and in some instance, back to the 1700's. You will learn about the utilitarian wares they started out with and how that grew into the folk pottery that you see today. Discover the steps involved in gathering and processing of the clay, using the wheel and throwing the pots and, finally, decorating and firing to obtain the finished pieces that we eagerly collect. This is an opportunity to meet the potters of Northeast Georgia, to hear their stories and see their pottery. The last class will be a field trip to the Folk Pottery Museum of Northeast Geograi, located in Sautee Nacoochhee, GA. Chris Brooks, director of the Folk Pottery Museum, David Meaders, Roger Corn and Mike Craven are among the presenters.<br />
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Have you always wanted to try your hand at a game of bridge? Feel like you need to know more? Join us and you'll be playing in no time! This course is a very basic introduction to the game of bridge structured so that with no previous experience, a person will be able to successfully play and enjoy bridge at an elementary level. Learn the rules of the game, how to count cards, bid and play your hand. Dale Hoberg will be instructing the class.<br />
Tuesday, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.<br />
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Does spring weather make you want to get your hands dirty in the garden? Do you admire container gardens and wish you knew how to make one look that good? Would you grow herbs if you knew how to use them? This course will be taught by several area Master Gardeners who will share their knowledge on a variety of gardening topics. Among the presenters are Hall County Master Gardeners Dave Rusk, Sarah Galshack and Elaine Kelley and Lyn Rooks of Fern Gully Landscapes.<br />
Wednesday, 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.<br />
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Since 1954 the Great Decisions program has been used to encourage discussion and debate of the important global challenges of our time. We'll use video and written materials provided by the Foreign Policy Association to discuss and reach informed opinions about this year's topics. The 2014 topics are: defense technology, Israel and the United States, Turkey's challenges, Islamic awakening, energy independence, food and climate, China's foreign policy. U. S. trade policy. Supply fee -$25.00. Allan Slovin will be returning to facilitate the course.<br />
Wednesday, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.<br />
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Mah Jongg is a game of skill, strategy, and concentration with a dash of luck thrown in. Played with 144 tiles, the game has often been compared to the game of Rummy. In this course, you will learn the basics of reading the tiles, and gain an understanding of how the tiles relate to each other. You will practice how to use the mah jongg card and select a hand based on your tile possession. We will also discuss speed and defensive playing. Instructor is Irene Chernack.<br />
Thursday, 1:00-2:30 p.m.<br />