CLARKESVILLE - Working toward a goal of beginning the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) program this Spring, North Georgia Technical College has hired Judy Carter as the program director and instructor.
Data collected indicates that there is a need an ECCE program at NGTC, according to school officials, particularly in the Clarkesville and Currahee Campus areas. Students interested in pursuing a technical certificate, diploma, or associate degree in ECCE may begin taking classes this January.
Beginning in January, ECCE courses offered include Intro to Early Childhood Education; Child Growth and Development; and Safety, Health, and Nutrition.
"I've always wanted to teach at this technical college," said Carter. With thirty years of experience in the K-12 arena as well as being an adjunct instructor at the technical college level, Judy was a perfect fit for the kick-off of a new program. "Though I retired in 2012, I soon realized I wasn't ready to stop. I'm a teacher for life, and this is the next level of my career."
Carter's credentials include a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education, a Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education, and an EdS in Instructional Technology, all from the University of Georgia.
Carter lives in Franklin County with her husband, Keith.