GAINESVILLE - The 9th District Honor Chorus will be hosted by Riverside Military Academy (RMA) on Friday, November 22 and Saturday, November 23. <br />
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More than 600 choral students from the district will be on hand and they will be split into six different age level choruses including an all-male high school chorus and two female choruses. Students will rehearse with choral directors before performing public concerts on Saturday afternoon.<br />
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These students have been selected by their teachers as the top students in their school choral programs. Schools in Hall, Forsyth and Cherokee counties are among those that will be represented.<br />
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Rehearsals will take place on Friday and Saturday. The final concerts will begin at 3:00 (middle school) and 4:30 (high school) on Saturday. There will be no charge for admission. Rehearsals are not open to the public.