HOMER - Sherry Ward has been selected to serve as the Finance Chairman for the State YMCA of Georgia in Banks County for 2011. <br />
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The Finance Drive is currently underway to support the State YMCA program in middle and high schools in Georgia through Hi-Y, Tri-Hi-Y and Co-ed "Y" Clubs.<br />
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"Y" Clubs are leadership development, service-oriented faith-based school clubs for 6th-12th grade students statewide. These "Y" Club members conduct monthly school and community service projects and participate in a variety of conferences geared towards government education and Christian character.<br />
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In Banks County, there are active "Y" Clubs at the middle and high schools. The high school club was featured in this year's statewide annual report showing how the high school students collected thousands of canned goods for a local food shelter. <br />
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