GAINESVILLE - Gainesville Public Works Director Chuck Langley said the city cannot wait any longer in solving stormwater runoff and erosion issues around the Lee Gilmer Airport and Industrial Park South area.
Langley said several sediment-clogged retention ponds and overall drainage problems need to be studied.
"We have several retention ponds that are clogged and we have a drainage problem coming off the new runway expansion that are causing some real problems," Langley said. "We needed to look at these things yesterday, if not last week."
Langley asked the City Council to approve a nearly $40,000 study on the problems to be conducted by Jordan, Jones and Goulding.
The study will look hydrologic issues around the airport and the industrial park.
Terry Darragh of JJ&G, said six retention ponds in the area need to be cleaned of sediment build-up or redesigned.
"We need to look at creating a drainage runoff system around the runway that will flow directly into Pond 6 and leave most of the sediment behind," Darragh said. "The goal is to make sure that the runoff around the indutrial park and the airport do not exceed pre-development levels.
"The problem is that the airport contract construction is already under way and we need to get these changes as soon as possible."
Langley said monies for the study will come out of the stormwater management budget.