ATLANTA - The Georgia Regional Transporation Authority is trying to steer 13 north Georgia counties into a regional express bus system.
Counties that participate would pay operating costs but would share in the $350 million disbursed by GRTA for improvements to heavily traveled roads. The $350 million would be raised by issuing bonds.
The plan calls for the bus service to begin next year in four or five counties, and others would be added through 2005. Other transit systems and a system of park-and-ride lots would link with the bus routes.
The counties Forsyth, Cherokee, Henry, Gwinnett, Coweta, Paulding, Douglas, Cobb, DeKalb, Rockdale, Fayette, Fulton and Clayton must each reach agreement with GRTA to begin operation of the service.
Established systems, such as those in Cobb, Gwinnett and Clayton counties, would not be taken over but instead bolstered by the new system, officials said.