McClure Health Science High School's library media specialist Laura Sly has been chosen as Gwinnett County's 2024 Library Media Specialist of the Year for their public school system.
A press release from the school system says that the award, "honors a K-12 library media specialist whose program is exemplary in collaborative partnerships, developing research skills, incorporating technology, and promoting reading".
Officials say that Sly has demonstrated exemplary leadership, innovation, and passion while developing the school’s media center into a unique space that features areas for project collaboration with flexible seating areas.
Julie Saunders, the Gwinnett County Public Schools' director of Library Services says in the release, “Laura strives to expand access to information, cultivate a love of reading, and foster inclusivity for all students and staff at McClure.”
McClure's principal, Nicole Mosely, adds that "under Laura’s guidance, our library media center is a vital hub, celebrating our school’s culture and fostering a profound sense of belonging for students and staff.”
Laura Sly now will be entered into the contest for Metro Area Library Media Specialist of the Year, sponsored by the Georgia Library Media Association.