Friday May 10th, 2024 2:29PM

Calendar changes for Gainesville schools virtual learners, school board

The Gainesville City School Board approved the some calendar adjustments at their meeting Monday, including the creation of an open house event for students returning from virtual learning to face to face instructions.

"When you think about coming back to school this year, it was a new process and protocol for everybody," said Williams. "Of these 657 students right now, they have not experienced that. So we want to take that day, that Tuesday January 5, and make that an open house day like we had at the beginning of school."

That includes meeting teachers, seeing classrooms, learn new safety procedures and more.

"Otherwise they're going in to it blind, and we don't want to do that to our kids."

The open house is appointment only.

The board also voted to alter the time for board of education meetings from 6 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

"A little more convenient for families to come straight from work if they need to," said Superintendent Jeremy Williams. "Sometimes it's difficult to leave work, go home, and get back. This way it will hopefully utilize that time more wisely."

While the time has been adjusted, not all locations are set yet.

Both calendars can be accessed here.

Williams also gave an update on the forthcoming middle school. The project has been approved and now, he said, they move on to a ground breaking. He said they have about a year and half before entering the "heavy movement" phase.

"We've got a lot of work ahead of us," he said. "We have the attendance zones we've got to finalize, we have the school name and the mascot, and some of those discussions that we've had that we're looking forward to bringing to the board and to the public in the next couple of months."

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