Thursday March 13th, 2025 8:23PM

Brenau student wins UPS scholaship

By Staff
GAINESVILLE - Brenau University senior Heather Hammontree, a psychology major from Buford, is the 2011-12 recipient of a $2,300 scholarship funded by the United Parcel Service Educational Endowment Fund through the Georgia Independent College Association (GICA).

The 2008 North Gwinnett High School graduate maintains a 3.58 grade point average at Brenau. Although Hammontree was selected for the scholarship by Pam Barrett, associate vice president and director of financial aid, her choice was roundly endorsed by at least three of her major professors in the psychology program both for Hammontree's academic performance, leadership and attitude.

"In the classes that Heather has had with me, she has been a very active member," said Psychology Department Chair Julie V. Battle. "She is excited about the material being presented and is involved in the learning process rather than just sitting back and expecting to be fed information. She has also contributed to the Psychology Department outside of her class time by being an active member of my research team which is gathering data from forensic interview of children who are suspected of having been sexually abused."

Assistant Professor of Psychology Maria Zayas echoed the sentiments. "Heather is a joy as a student," Zayas said. "She always has a bright, positive attitude, and you can count on her to do a great job with any assignment, even if it means she has to work really hard to master a new skill."

Professor Bonnie J. Kin, who is also clinical director for the Brenau Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, said Hammontree "has always been a bright spot in my classes. She asks thought-provoking, insightful questions and often leads class discussions. In my death, dying, and loss class students had to prepare their own funerals and write their own eulogy and do a presentation. Her presentation was so upbeat and amusing that students said they actually wanted to go to her funeral  except they didn't want her actually to die."

Atlanta-based UPS, a more than $40 billion global package delivery and logistics firm, has provided 36 years of continuous support totaling more than $1.2 million for GICA and its 25 member institutions.
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