GAINESVILLE - It's more like the kind of thing you see planned for South Hall or West Hall ... but this one's planned for East Hall, and it goes before county planners Monday night.
It's a mixed-used development that will include nearly 2,736 housing units; land earmarked for a school; recreational site/facilities; and 1,000,000 sq. ft. of commercial/office
The site is a 1,507-acre tract on Georgia Highway 52, just north of Georgia 365 and on both the east and west sides of Belton Bridge Road.
Hagen Creek wants the land rezoned from AR-IV (Agricultural Residential IV) and V-C (Vacation Cottage) to PCD (Planned Commercial Development) and PRD (Planned Residential Development).
Also Monday, Cooley Development, LLC, will ask for an amendment to the conditions on an existing R-I zoning on 75 acres on Gaines Mill Road near the intersection of Eberhart Cemetery Road. The amendment would affect the conditions placed on the sizes of the houses and number of lots planned on the tract.
The Hall County Planning Commission meets at 5:15 at the Georgia Mountains Center.