GAINESVILLE - Gainesville police are asking for your help in locating a man who robbed a northside convenience store early Friday.
Lt. Chad White says that about 5:20, two men arrived at the Kangaroo Store at 1680 Park Hill Drive. They were in a green Jeep Cherokee. The clerk said the driver began pumping gas and that a passenger, a black male believed to be in his 40s, entered the store and asked for some change. Police were told that as the clerk opened the cash drawer, the man reached into the register and grabbed some money and then fled the store on foot as the SUV sped away, driven by a white male.
The black male is described as 5'6 and of medium build. He was wearing glasses and a red-and-white checkered shirt and black shorts. No detailed description of the white male or the getaway vehicle was available. No weapon was displayed or mentioned during the holdup.
Anyone with any information on the robbers or the vehicle is asked to call the Gainesville Police Department Criminal Investigation Division at 770-534-5254.