GAINESVILLE - A team of assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)will arrive in Gainesville next week to examine the workings of the Hall County Sheriff's Office.
It's part of the effort by the department to secure accreditation.
As part of the assessment, a public input session is scheduled Monday night, December 13 in the Grand Jury Room at the courthouse at 7:00.
The team will be examining all aspects of the sheriff's department's policy and procedures, management, operations and support services.
You may also comment by phone Tuesday December 13 between 1:00-5:00. The number to call is 770-531-2462. Comments at the courthouse meeting and by phone are limited to 10 minutes and "must address the department's ability to comply with CALEA's standards." A copy of these standards is available at the sheriff's office by calling Sgt. Angela Dover at 770-297-5530.
Comments by mail addressing the department's ability to meet the standards may be sent to: Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., 10302 Eaton Place, Suite 100, Fairfax, Virginia 22030-2215.