Friday September 20th, 2024 5:43PM

AAA launches 'Move Over for Me' campaign

By Austin Eller News Director

AAA is encouraging drivers to move over any time they spot an emergency responder or disabled vehicle on the side of the road under its new "Move Over for Me" campaign.

The agency said nearly 350 people are struck and killed outside a disabled vehicle each year, and about a quarter of drivers do not know that Slow Down, Move Over laws exist in their state.

“For years, Slow Down, Move Over efforts have focused on emergency responders, and it’s critical that we continue to protect these individuals who come to the aid of motorists,” Scott VerBracken, vice president of Automotive Services for AAA  said. “But as motorists get flat tires, break down, run out of gas, or find themselves otherwise in trouble at the roadside, they also face the dangerous elements of high-speed traffic and need the same protection.” 

A new survey from AAA found that 97% of motorists were concerned about vehicles passing at high speeds while they were stopped on the side of the road.

“If you see a disabled vehicle, be courteous and Move Over,” Montrae Waiters, spokeswoman for AAA said. “Remember the person on the roadside could be you, a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor. Move Over For Me because it is the right thing to do!”

Drivers are encouraged to remain alert, keep an eye out for disabled vehicles or emergency vehicles and watch for people on the roadside. Passengers can also help identify roadway issues and can remind the driver to slow down and move over.

AAA said stranded motorists should pull as far over on the shoulder as safely possible, turn their hazard lights on and call for assistance.

More information can be found here.

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