Sunday March 9th, 2025 9:33AM

Zoning for distilleries and breweries discussed by Forsyth County leaders

Zoning for distilleries and breweries caught the attention of Forsyth County leaders during a recent work session.

Planning & Community Department Director Tom Brown told the board about the current path of work for distilleries. He said, "The direction of this work is, if we cap the size of these operations, can we get them small enough that we're moving away from the train tracks and smoke stacks type big, industrial facility and scaling them down so they might fit in a commercial business district. So, that's the path we're already on with distilleries."

As Forsyth County staff began making zoning plan recommendations for distilleries to come into the county, they caught a potential problem.
Tom Brown, Director of the Planning department, explained, "Historically, if counties are going to treat beer and alcohol differently, they're usually tougher on alcohol, or hard liquor, and easier on beer. We're on track to do the opposite. We caught it and we want to bring them in line with each other."

The board voted to bring the zoning for breweries and distilleries in line with one another and for the Planning Commission to look at the proposals during their meeting in January.
Commissioners expect to vote on the issues in February during their regular meeting.

  • Associated Categories: Homepage, Local/State News
  • Associated Tags: Forsyth County, Government, breweries, zoning, planning, distilleries
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