Hall County's Early College@Jones opens with the new school year which begins for Hall County students on Friday, one of a number of new programs and facilities that will welcome new students in the Gainesville area this year.
Early College@Jones will operate out of the recently renovated Sylvester Jones facility in the Chicopee Village. This is a new program in cooperation with North Georgia University and Lanier Technical College, which allows high school students to take college courses. Students pay no additional tuition fees to take the courses. The Hall County School District will provide transportation for students from its six traditional high schools to this site. Click here for more information on Early College@Jones.
In addition, the Johnson High School Instructional Annex will be ready for students this year; the North Hall Performing Arts Center, which was dedicated just as the last school year was coming to a close, will be home to NHHS Drama, Band, and Chorus; and, the East Hall Performing Arts Center is currently under construction and is expected to be completed next spring.
Classes begin for City of Gainesville students Wednesday. School officials expect a 9.06 percent increase in student population this year (8,015 students) compared to last year.
Work is continuing on a classroom addtiion at Centennial Arts Academy and construction has begun on a new elementary school on Millside Parkway off Mundy Mill Road.
The school district will kick off the year with a pep rally for all employees Tuesday at 8:30 at the new gym at Gainesville High.
Barrow County http://www.barrow.k12.ga.us/
Gwinnett County http://publish.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/gcps/home/public
Jackson County https://www.jackson.k12.ga.us/
Banks County http://www.banks.k12.ga.us/
Habersham County http://www.habershamschools.com/
White County http://www.white.k12.ga.us/?DivisionID=10128&ToggleSideNav
Lumpkin County http://www.lumpkinschools.com/
Dawson County http://www.dawsoncountyschools.org/ (Opening a new Performing Arts Center this year on August 5. Open house and ribbon-cutting on August 8 from 4:00-6:00.)
Forsyth County http://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/ (Opening DeSana Middle School and Brandywine Elementary School this year and there have been major additions to four of the five high schools in the county and two of nine elementary schools.)
Buford City http://www.bufordcityschools.org/
Jefferson City http://main.jeffcityschools.org/
Commerce City http://www.commercecityschools.org/
For the 2016-17 school year, Heritage Academy and North Georgia Christian have merged to form Lanier Christian Academy. While the school is preparing new facilities on a 140-acre site, the school will be operating this year at Chestnut Mountain Church in Flowery Branch, with an expected enrollment of more than 400 students. http://www.lanierchristianacademy.org/
For detailed information on the other private schools in Hall County, click on the links below:
Chattachoochee Christian School http://www.chattahoocheechristian.org/
Lakeview Academy http://www.lakeviewacademy.com/page/Home
Riverside Military Academy http://www.riversidemilitary.com/netcommunity/
Gainesville Home School Academy http://www.gainesvillehomeschoolacademy.com/
Maranatha Christian Academy http://mcageorgia.com/
Of all the schools mentioned above, Jefferson City has the earliest start date this year (July 29) and Riverside Military Academy the latest (August 22). Here is a complete list of back-to-school dates: