Monday June 17th, 2024 9:51AM

(VIDEO) Playoff Focus: After hard journey, Spartans reveling in underdog role

OAKWOOD — West Hall football players and coaches know that just about everyone in the state expects Thomson to roll in the two teams' second round state playoff contest tonight.

And the Spartans could care less.

West Hall has grown more than accustomed to the underdog role this season. In fact, they're reveling in it.

These are the same Spartans that shocked much of Class AAAA last week, when West Hall was considered an afterthought in its first round postseason matchup at No. 8 Troup -- that is before the Spartans claimed a 24-21 victory that claimed the program's first postseason scalp since 2000.

Granted this week's task comes against undefeated and second-ranked Thomson, which has largely dominated this season.

But go ahead and doubt West Hall -- the Spartans are not bothered. Their only concern is continuing their historic playoff charge.

"Every week we're predicted to lose by however much, so I'm used to it," said Josh Taylor, West Hall junior right tackle. "Most people thought we would be 2-8 this year, and here we are in the second round of the playoffs."

West Hall got to this point by focusing on self improvement -- and surviving a gauntlet of a regular season schedule.

"As it turned out eight of the 10 teams we played were in the playoffs," West Hall coach Tony Lotti said. "I think that helped us last week (against Troup), I really do, as far as the toughness that it was going to take to try and hang in there with the elite programs in the state."

Do that again this week and there will be little doubt of the Spartans' place amongst the hierarchy of Class AAAA. 

Thomson (11-0) is looking for its second straight state quarterfinal berth and features an offense rushing for almost 324 yards per game, while also passing for 102. Senior back Michael Thomas paces the Bulldogs with 1,745 yards rushing and 19 touchdowns, while sophomore Bubba Murray has 846 yards and 15 TDs. Quarterback Mills Ridings has also thrown for 1,013 yards and 10 TDs against 6 interceptions. 

Junior Christian Tutt is also a huge threat on special teams, having returned multiple kicks and punts for touchdowns this season.

"They're the No. 2 team in the state for a reason, very big, athletic. They're well coached; they have a community that supports their program all out, so we're expecting it to be a big crowd. And then they're going to be physical and athletic. Like I said, they're a very good football team," Lotti said. 

Again, however, West Hall is not quaking at the prospect. Much like last week, the Spartans have a game plan and are focused solely on executing it.

"We had something to prove too ourselves and that's what we set out to do," said Austin Sinclair, West Hall junior outside linebacker. "We take a lot of pride in it because we work hard, and we come out here every day trying to do the best that we can and then come out on the field and let everybody see the work that we put in."

It is an attitude that Lotti began installing when he first set foot in Oakwood four-plus seasons ago. And after winning the program's first region title in 2014 and then coming oh-so-close to first round wins in '13 and '14, it was gratifying to see it pay off last week in LaGrange.

"That's one of the things we talk about all the time, just trying to put our best foot forward and then just giving everything we've got and just let the chips fall where they may," Lotti said. "We just didn't want to be a coulda' woulda' shoulda' situation. We've talked about that a lot since I got here, because all you can control is your best effort. And the only time you live with regrets is when you look back on it and say, 'I wish I could have done this; I wish I could have done that.' We talk about we don't want to be that guy. We're going to play as hard as we can play, and at the end we'll look at each other, and if the other team's better than us that's fine, but we don't leave there having any regrets, ever."

Talk to any Spartans player right now and try, just try, to find any regrets.

"I've been playing here ever since I was in junior Spartans, so I've watched the ups and downs of the program, so (last week's playoff win) felt really good to me," Taylor said.

"It's crazy because we haven't been in the second round playoffs in a while, so we have a lot of excitement, a lot of uplifting energy," Sinclair added.

It is an energy that has served the Spartans well and one that they hope will continue to do so for some time.

  • Associated Categories: Sports, High School Sports, Friday Game Night
  • Associated Tags: High school football, West Hall football
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