WINDER - Tripp Halstead will undergo several surgeries, including on his hips and back, this coming spring.
According to a post on the Tripp Halstead Updates Facebook page run by the boy's parents, Tripp met with his spinal doctor Tuesday, who wants to move forward with surgery.
The post said the surgeon will place two rods in Tripp's back with anchors to his hips and ribs. He shouldn't need any further back surgeries, but will nees check ups every three months.
The surgery should take about three hours and Tripp will be in the hospital for seven days, followed by a six week recovery period at home, the post said.
Prior to that surgery, Tripp faces a hip surgery scheduled for January 20. The post said that surgery will take seven hours with a week in the hospital and ten weeks of recovery.
The post also said Tripp will have an appointment with his neurosurgeon on January 8 to see about a surgery to correct the dent.
In October 2012, a tree limb fell and struck Tripp on the head, crushing part of his skull. Since the accident, Tripp's family has updated a Facebook page daily with details about his progress and recovery.