GAINESVILLE - Featherbone Communiversity held the annual "Entrepreneurs...Masters of Innovation" ceremony Wednesday. Sponsored by BB&T, it was held in recognition of ten individuals, representing seven Gainesville area businesses.
The event is held each year to encourage and provide a path for others to strive for excellence through innovation, by showing community recognition and appreciation for the hard work and talent of local entrepreneurs.
It is one of a series of Masters events established in 2009 by Featherbone Communiversity. The others are: "Masters in Teaching…Life Changers at Work,” "Masters in Nursing…Healers Among Us,” and "Master Craftsmen…Builders of America.”
Featherbone Communiversity is a collaborative learning community supported by Brenau University, INK (Interactive Neighborhood for Kids), Lanier Technical College, The University of GA Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC), Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute, Gainesville City Schools, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, Hall County Schools, The University of North Georgia, Junior Achievement and The Warren Featherbone Foundation.
Thursday's honorees were:
Maria McLaurin Nutt, McLaurin Interiors, nominated by Brenau University
Harold Jordan, Meadowbrook Machine and Tool, nominated by the Georgia Tech Innovation Institute
Danielle and Derrick Case, Dress Up, nominated by the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce
Jimmy and Drew Echols, Jaemor Farms, nominated by Interactive Neighborhood for Kids (INK), Junior Achievement, and Gainesville and Hall County Schools
Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers, nominated by Lanier Tech
Randy and Kevin Redd, Redd Machining and Manufacturing - Concept One. nominated by UGA Small Business Development Corporation
Counte Cooley, Electronic Sales Co. Inc., nominated by the University of North Georgia