Saturday September 21st, 2024 7:41PM
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Record turnout of voters predicted in Georgia today

By The Associated Press
ATLANTA - Georgians - some thirsting for change in the White House, some worried about the economy and some mindful of the historic firsts their votes represent - were to head to presidential primary polls Tuesday in what some experts forecast would be record-breaking numbers.

In all, residents in Georgia and 23 other states were to make their picks for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees on Super Tuesday. Polls in Georgia were open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Political experts are forecasting a record voter turnout in Georgia for a presidential primary. One says as many as 700,000 could vote in the GOP primary and 800,000 in the Democratic contest. The vote has the potential to surpass the 1988 presidential primary, when about 40 percent turned out.

State voter rolls swelled in the final weeks before the registration deadline. In all, some 5.2 million Georgians were eligible to vote, more than ever before, and early voting was about five times higher than it was in the Democratic contest in 2004, when nearly 50,000 people either voted in advance or cast absentee ballots.

U.S. Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton were locked in a tight race on the Democratic side and Georgia's large black vote could be key in that contest. Blacks comprise about half the Democratic primary vote here and Obama, who is seeking to become the first black nominee, was hoping to ride a wave of that support, much like he did in South Carolina. Clinton, who would be the first woman nominee, has been showcasing the backing of U.S. Rep. John Lewis, the Atlanta Democrat who became a hero of the civil rights movement.

Arizona Sen. John McCain, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Texas U.S. Rep. Ron Paul were vying for the nod from Republicans.

McCain was hoping endorsements from Georgia's two U.S. senators - Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson - could help him with the conservative base of the state's ruling Republican Party.

Romney visited the state Monday, stressing his business background in a state that saw its unemployment numbers rise to 4.6 percent in December.

Huckabee, a Baptist minister, was looking in part to evangelical voters for support in a bid to head off McCain's appeal to moderates.

Tuesday's high-stakes presidential contest is the first statewide election where Georgia will require a photo ID of all voters casting their ballots in person.


In northeast Georgia, a number of referendums are on the ballot today n addition to the presidential primaries:

In Forsyth County, a one percent sales tax extension and bond issue for parks and recreation;

In Gwinnett, a school bond issue;

In Jackson County, Sunday liquor sales and a parks and rec bond issue;

In Lumpkin County, liquor by the drink;

and in Buford, a bond issue for an

arena and administrative complex at Buford High School.

('s Ken Stanford contributed to this story.)
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