Sunday March 16th, 2025 9:16AM

Dishonoring Our Soldiers

By Calvin E. Johnson, Jr. 8/23/06
Why would anyone disrespect the funeral of a soldier who was killed in Iraq? To debate the War in Iraq is "American" but to dishonor the men and women killed, doing their duty, is not.

Gen. Robert E. Lee said, "Duty is the sublimest word in the English language." Gen. Douglas Macarthur ended a farewell speech to the Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point with the words, which have long been the school's motto, "Duty, Honor, Country."

Now, we read that West Point's motto may be changed to: "beauty, honor, country." What, may I ask, is wrong with the word "Duty?" Are we not free today because of the men and women who did their duty?

While we fight a "War on Terror", a Cultural War is being fought, in our country, against God, Family and Country. Can we afford to lose either?

About seven years ago two "Soldiers' Memorial" plaques were quietly removed from the Texas Supreme Court Building in Austin. It is my understanding that this was done under the watch of then Governor George W. Bush. Did anyone ask Texans if they agreed with this?

Do you remember when prayer was removed from our public schools in the 60s and 70s, without public comment? The United States Congress starts their business with a prayer but our children are not allowed to say the "Lord's Prayer" before a school day. What kind of message does this send to our young people?

During the 1950s, Texan's approved the use of Confederate Widows' Funds to help pay for their new Texas Supreme Court Building. Two plaques were then placed, inside the building, to memorialize Texas' soldiers who defended their state during the War Between the States.

In South Carolina a Confederate flag flies from the Soldiers' Memorial Statue in front of the capitol at Columbia. There has been pressure, by some, to move NCAA post season games if the flag continues to fly. Most South Carolinian's support flying the Confederate flag and remembering the soldiers that it honors. But is anyone listening?

If our choice is between our Nation's Heritage of "God, Family and Country" or "Games", Let's all vote for our Nation's Heritage.

A Confederate flag was flown from Riverwalk in Augusta, Georgia but it was removed due to a single complaint. Were there any other flags removed? Were the people of Augusta asked for their opinion?

A Bi-Centennial birthday celebration for Robert E. Lee will take place in Virginia, Georgia and other states during January 2007. As plans begin for Lee's birthday, a small group of people continue efforts to change the names of streets and schools named for Robert E. Lee and other Americans.

Please ask your state's governor and city and country officials to sign a proclamation for the 200th birthday of Gen. Robert E. Lee on January 19, 2007. Also, ask the State of Texas to put the Confederate Soldiers' plaques back in Austin's Supreme Court Building. And ask the Mayor of Augusta, Georgia to put The Confederate flag back at Riverwalk. It is the right and American thing to do but will they do it? It might happen if concerned citizens, like you, will send them letters. They say a letter is worth a hundred votes.

You Ain't Just Whistling Dixie, America Support's Her Soldiers!

Calvin E. Johnson, Jr.
Author of new book, "When America Stood for God, Family and Country."
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