GAINESVILLE - Gasoline prices at several places in Gainesville increased another ten cents a gallon over the 24 hours ending at 6:00 Wednesday morning - raising the average to around $2.40 a gallon.
The latest round of increases began, for the most part, over the weekend.
Places that were selling regular, unleaded for about $2.25 Friday had it priced at around $2.30 or better by Sunday - and $2.40 or $2.41 by early Wednesday.
A spot check of six outlets from the westside of Gainesville to the northside Tuesday morning showed half still selling it for $2.31, and half with it priced at $2.29. Mid-grade and high-test were, as usual, typically, ten and twenty cents more, respectively. Later in the day, one northside outlet had it for $2.41 while just a couple of blocks away, you could get it for $2.30.
Nationwide, the average is $2.34 - which is 46 cents higher than a year ago.