GAINESVILLE - It's spring - and just as sure as the azaleas and dogwoods are blooming, the people at Gainesville City Hall are beginning to think about next year's city budget.
The first budget presentation session of the year is scheduled Monday morning at 8:30 in the city manager's conference room at the Joint Administration Building.
The agenda calls for a look at the current fiscal year financial status; revenue projections for FY 2005; a General Fund summary; and, budget presentations from Financial Services, the Marshal's Office, City Manager's Office, and the Planning, Inspections, and Human Resources departments.
Other sessions will be held Wednesday,April 14; Thursday, April 15; Monday, April 19, and,Thursday, April 22. All will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will be held in the city manager's conference room.
The budget is expected to be ready for presentation at a city council work session May 13.