Friday March 28th, 2025 1:35PM

Brenau prof: 9/11 terrorists hurt their cause

By by Ken Stanford
GAINESVILLE - The terrorists behind the September 11 attacks paid a price, according to one Brenau University faculty member, and not just in terms of the lives of the men who carried out of the attacks.

Dr. Ken Frank, Director of Conflict Resolution and Legal Studies at Brenau, points to the support from around the world in the U.S.-led war against terrorism.

"I have to admit to being disappointed in more moderate elements of the Islamic community (who) did not step forward and condemn this kind of fanaticism," Dr. Frank said.

He also says the terrorists failed in gaining "worldwide support" for their cause.

However, Dr. Frank said there's a lot at stake if President Bush moves militarily against Iraq without broad support from our allies in the Middle East.

"I think at that point, we risk alienating our allies permanently in that area," he said. "We also risk alienating the moderate Islamics that have supprted us.

But, Dr. Frank says if the U.S. goes it alone and its suspicions that Saddam Hussein has stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and is actively trying to develop a nuclear arsenal are borne out, then our allies will probably see that we were acting in our best interest and theirs.

However, Dr. Frank said he would like to see more efforts at settling with Iraq with diplomatic and mediation avenues.

Dr. Frank commented Tuesday at a taping of next weekend's Northeast Georgia This Week, which will be broadcast at 5:30 a.m. and 8:05 a.m. on WDUN NEWS TALK 550.
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