Tuesday March 4th, 2025 1:43AM

Georgia man sentenced in carjacking murder

EVERGREEN, ALABAMA - A man who pleaded guilty to capital murder for the shooting death of a Montgomery forester while on the run from Georgia authorities was sentenced to life in prison. <br> <br> Herlan O&#39;Brien Davis, previously convicted of killing a convenience store customer during the same flight from police last year, was sentenced on Tuesday by Conecuh County Circuit Judge Sam Welch. <br> <br> Co-defendant Angela Shantee Anderson, 22, testified against Davis in a plea agreement that saw prosecutors drop a charge of capital murder against her. She pleaded guilty to theft and faces 20 years in prison, 15 of them suspended. <br> <br> On Monday Davis, 23, pleaded guilty, avoiding the death penalty. He testified that he killed Wallace Lee Smith Jr. while robbing him of his 2000 Ford pickup on State Road 41. <br> <br> ``He won&#39;t be out to murder anybody else,&#39;&#39; said Debbie Smith, Wallace Lee&#39;s widow. ``Every day of my life is extremely hard and I hope every day of his life in the state penitentiary is even harder. If God wants him dead, God will get him there.&#39;&#39; <br> <br> Defense attorney Paul Hardin Jr. said the verdict was what he expected and his intention was to prevent Davis from going to the electric chair. <br> <br> Davis and girlfriend Angela Anderson fled Columbus, Ga., in early March 2001 when Davis became a suspect in a murder there. He was also wanted on weapons charges and probation violations. <br> <br> The couple wound up at the home of Anderson&#39;s grandmother in Camden, Ala. In Camden, Davis shot down 39-year-old Bruce Cunningham, a customer at a convenience store, according to testimony in Wilcox County Circuit Court in April. <br> <br> Witnesses said Davis fled in Cunningham&#39;s 1995 Nissan, picking up Anderson as the two left Camden. <br> <br> Just south of the Monroe County line, Davis wrecked the Nissan and began trying to flag down traffic on Alabama 41 as the car caught fire, police say. <br> <br> Witnesses testified they saw Davis pull a man from a white pickup. Authorities say that man was Smith, a 42-year-old forester from Montgomery who apparently stopped to help the stranded motorists. <br> <br> Smith was found dead of a gunshot wound along the road, his pickup stuck in a nearby ditch. <br> <br> Davis and Anderson were captured hours later hiding in a creek after dozens of officers combed the dense woods in remote northern Monroe County. <br> <br> Davis was convicted of capital murder in Cunningham&#39;s slaying in April. He has not yet been sentenced. Federal carjacking and weapons charges are still pending against him. <br> <br> The trial in connection with Smith&#39;s slaying was moved to Evergreen because of pretrial publicity in Monroeville.
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