Friday January 31st, 2025 5:25AM
Whitfield Funeral Home
Little Davenport
Hamilton Mill

Peter Venture

Obituary Date: Friday, December 18, 2009
Peter Venture, age 98, of Dahlonega, GA died December 18, 2009.

Peter was preceded in death by his wife, Ethel Ritzie Venture.

Peter was baptized in July 1942 and was appointed a direct representative of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to perform missionary and evangelistic service in organizing and establishing congregations. He was ordained to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and to proclaim the name of Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, His Son and King.

From September 1952 to March 1953, he attended the 20th class of the Watchtower Missionary School of Gilead in South Lansing, NY. Upon graduation, he became a traveling representative, visiting congregations.

In 1958, Peter and Ethel were assigned to the full-time ministry work devoting 150 hours a month going house to house and studying the Bible with ones interested in learning about Godâ
Funeral Date
12/25/2009 at 12:00AM
Funeral Home
Banister Funeral Home