Saturday February 22nd, 2025 3:30AM
Whitfield Funeral Home
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Hamilton Mill

Julia Lucia Segura Camacho

Obituary Date: Saturday, July 1, 2023
Julia Lucia Segura Camacho, a loving mother, grandmother and friend passed on July 1, 2023 at the age of 73 in her home in Braselton, GA. Julia was a devoted Catholic, a very hard worker and she never gave up. She was a dedicated mother that gave it all for her children. Both family and friends loved her and learn to count on her always. She fought until the last minute and loved spending time with family and friends. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her. Begin your way to heaven where you will wait for us with open arms as you always did. We will forever love you, Mama Grande! Julia Lucia Segura Camacho, una amorosa madre, abuela y amiga falleció el 1 de julio de 2023 a la edad de 82 años en su casa en Braselton, GA. Julia era una católica devota, muy trabajadora que nunca se dio por vencida. Fue una madre dedicada que lo dio todo por sus hijos. Tanto familiares como amigos la querían mucho y aprendieron a contar con ella siempre. Luchó hasta el último minuto. Le encantaba pasar tiempo con su familia y amigos. Todos los que la conocieron la extrañarán profundamente. Emprende tu camino al cielo donde nos esperaras con los brazos abiertos como siempre lo hiciste. Mama Grande te amaremos siempre!
Funeral service will be held on Saturday, July 8, 2023 at Hillside Chapel at 1:00 PM.  Visitation will be held on Friday, July 7, 2023 between the hours of 5:00 PM-8:00 PM at Wimberly Funeral Home. Professional Services Entrusted to Wimberly Funeral Home.
Funeral Date
07/08/2023 at 1:00PM
Funeral Home
Wimberly Funeral Home
(770) 536-3251
325 Summit St SE , Gainesville 30501