Wednesday March 12th, 2025 5:30AM
Whitfield Funeral Home
Little Davenport
Hamilton Mill

Brenda Margaret Harrison Cox

Obituary Date: Thursday, February 16, 2023

Brenda Margaret Harrison Cox, of Gainesville, GA died February 16, 2023.

Those who knew her best fully understood that she took the creed of serving the "least of these" as a premise to be assumed and not an idea to be considered. She and her beloved husband, Tommy, gave unmeasured time to Make a Wish Foundation, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, and countless other avenues for serving those in need. Her service took its strength and energy from her deep and abiding faith. She was a devoted member of First United Methodist Church. All this said, her passion was always her family and her friends. Nothing brought her joy like tending those who she loved most. The titles “Mama”, “Nannie”, “Aunt Be Be” and “Aunt Brenda” were the ones she wore most proudly.

She was born January 29, 1933 in Decatur, GA to Ima Roemer Harrison and Clark Edward Harrison both originally of western Kentucky. She took her day-to-day, wholly honest, most practical kind of love from her mother, and it was the outward and visible sign of an inward fire. Being a wife and mother was her calling. Her father, orphaned at 11, went on to help many young women of north Georgia achieve an education in business. She took his drive to serve and made it central in her life.

She is survived by Thomas Stanton (Stan) Cox, and his wife Priti Gulati Cox; Walter Gregory (Greg) Cox, and his wife Betsy Ryland; and David Weldon (Dave) Cox and his wife Jennifer Roberts Cox. Her sons were so very blessed by her ever present, ever accepting love. She would be glad to tell you too of her beloved grandchildren, their accomplishments, and their far-flung-ness. They are Sheila Cox, Paul Cox, William Ryland, Fitz Ryland, Jonathan Cox, Joel Cox, and Emma Cox.

She died at home surrounded by copious love. Her family deeply appreciates the people of the church and from hospice who made her last days rich with laughter, music, tender care, and love.

Her life will be celebrated at Gainesville First United Methodist Church 2780 Thompson Bridge Rd, Gainesville, GA 30506 at 11am on Tuesday February 21st.

It would be her wish, being the loving and practical woman she was, that you consider giving to in lieu of flowers.

Announced by Memorial Park Riverside Chapel for Gainesville First United Methodist Church.

Funeral Date
02/21/2023 at 11:00AM
Funeral Home
Memorial Park North Funeral Home Riverside Chapel
989 Riverside Drive , Gainesville, GA 30501