Saturday February 22nd, 2025 4:45AM
Whitfield Funeral Home
Little Davenport
Hamilton Mill

John Hughes

Obituary Date: Saturday, September 25, 2021

On September 25, 2021, John passed on from this place surrounded by a loving circle of family. He was 88 years old and survived by his wife, Linn; his daughter, Barbara; his sons, Drew, Chris, Mike, Jeff, and Tim. John was a loving grandfather to: Allie, Bryce, Anna, Max, Aska, Taiki, Julia, Megan, Ian, Quinn, Jackson, Ava, and Michael John. [This is starting to sound like “the begats” of Genesis…]. He left a legacy.  

John was reunited with his mother, Jeanette; daughter-in-law, Kelly; and sons, Robert and Steve; and granddaughter, Ashlynn. John served his government through 46 years of service. He served in the Air Force and then 37 years at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.  

John loved spending time with his family. Over the years, he enjoyed: playing ukulele with friends, woodworking, fixing and breaking computers, tasting bourbon with his sons, and fixing Volkswagen “bugs” while inventing new curse words.

John will be loved and missed by his family, friends, and loved ones. He was a comic to those who chatted with him, a rock to those who relied on him, and a source of love for those who had the pleasure to know him.   

Memorial service will be held Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 2 PM at St. Mary & Martha of Bethany Episcopal Church, Buford. The family will receive friends Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 1 – 2 PM at the church. Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel 770-945-6924 Share memoires of John at

Funeral Date
10/09/2021 at 2:00PM
Funeral Home
Hamilton Mill Memorial Chapel
(770) 945-6924
3481 Hamilton Mill Rd., Buford 30519