Friday July 26th, 2024 8:04PM
The RNC Convention—Day 2 "A Much Easier Day"
The security got worked out and it was easier to move around.
6:00PM ( 1 week ago )
The RNC in Milwaukee—Day 1
It’s been a pretty busy day at the RNC.
6:00PM ( 1 week ago )
All Governments End in Failure, So Why Are We Surprised?
There were elections in Argentina last fall and a Libertarian, Javier Millei, was elected.
9:00AM ( 2 weeks ago )
Love and Loss
My sweet mother in law went to be with the Lord last Wednesday.
6:00AM ( 2 months ago )
Talking To Flyover Country
Last weekend I attended a BSA “Blue and Gold” banquet in Kentucky.
7:00AM ( 4 months ago )
How an Immigration Bill Becomes a Law: School House Rock for the 21st Century
The only federal legislative body that has actually voted on immigration reform is the United States House of Representatives.
6:00AM ( 4 months ago )
Why Laken Riley's Life is a Clarion Call for Change
Laken Riley lived life.
9:30AM ( 4 months ago )
The Border Discussion We Ought to Be Having
We’ve been having this border discussion for a long time.
8:00AM ( 5 months ago )