Monday March 31st, 2025 6:40AM

Judge finds one of the defendants in North Hall daycare civil suit in default

By Caleb Hutchins Assistant News Director

A judge has found one of the two women accused of improperly giving medications to children at a North Hall County daycare in default in a civil lawsuit from two of the children's parents.

Hall County State Court Judge Larry A. Baldwin, II issued the order on March 21 after Ptiery Verby-Sunshine Edge, age 35 of Gainesville, did not respond after being served with the complaint from plaintiffs Jonathan Kankolenski and Macy Turner.

"Edge was served with the Complaint for Damages in the instant case via process on January 28, 2025," the order by Judge Baldwin said. "Edge's thirty day deadline to Answer said Complaint ran (out) on February 27, 2025. (Edge's) forty-five day deadline during which she retained her rights to open Defaut...ran (out) on March 14, 2025."

Kankolenski and Turner filed a motion to have Edge placed in default on March 17, which was approved by Judge Baldwin four days later. That default ruling essentially awards the case to the plaintiffs, making Edge liable for any damages sought by the parents.

Edge was one of three people named in the lawsuit, along with Stacie Fuller Young, age 51, and her husband, David Young, both of Gainesville. The suit, filed on January 14, alleges that Edge and Stacie Young were giving Benadryl and melatonin to the children inappropriately.

The two were arrested by Hall County Sheriff's deputies on January 13 on reckless conduct charges after investigators said they determined two children who had been in their care had the drugs in their systems.

Young and her husband, David Young, did file an answer to the complaint on February 27. In that answer, the two denied giving any children antihistamines as alleged by Kankolesnki and Turner.

"(Kankolenski and Turner) reported to Stacie Young that their two minor children were allergic to many substances and animals including dogs. (Kankolenski and Turner) also reported to Stacie Young that an allergist advised the children should be administered antihistamines," the answer said. "However, Defendants David and Stacie Young never administered any antihistamine or any related drug to (Kankolenski and Turner's) children."

No hearing date has been set in the case for either Edge or the Youngs as of March 28.

  • Associated Categories: Homepage, Local/State News
  • Associated Tags: gainesville, hall county, lawsuit, Hall County State Court, daycare
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