Two elementary schools in Hall County kicked off their final Read Across America Week Monday before combining to create Everwood Elementary School for the 2025-26 school year.
Launched by the National Education Association in 1998, Read Across America Week encourages students to read and celebrate literacy during the first week of March. Oakwood Elementary School and McEver Arts Academy each planned activities throughout the week to promote reading for their students.
Oakwood began its celebration by opening its book fair and inviting guests to read to students. OES Gifted Education Teacher Dana Patterson shared the initiative not only helps to develop student’s literacy skills, but also fosters a love for reading.
“When [students] read, they can experience the places, the adventures, the characters,” Patterson said. “It really sparks their imagination of things that they may not be able to experience themselves. And it's going to open their minds to different things that they may want to do going forward, if they're interested in reading now, then as they grow up, they'll be interested in reading.”
Meanwhile, McEver Arts Academy is celebrating by challenging their students to read a school total of a thousand books by the end of the week.
“It is a big deal at our school,” McEver Arts Academy teacher Emily McConnell said. “We love incorporating literacy and the arts, and of course, with our language program, it's awesome to get to read with other teachers and show diversity and cultural awareness at our school, and we just have a great time with it. We integrate [reading] throughout the day all week long.”
The schools’ Read Across America celebrations are one of many traditions the schools will participate in prior to the end of the school year. Administration said the events will be a part of their efforts to preserve their respective legacies before the communities merge.