Tuesday February 18th, 2025 10:01PM

Georgia authorities to participate in annual speed limit enforcement campaign

The Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety is urging motorists to avoid speeding and other dangerous driving habits ahead of the state's participation in the annual Operation Southern Slow Down campaign.

According to a press release from the GOHS, the campaign will kick off Monday, July 17, and will see authorities across the southeast work to enforce speed limits and teach motorists about the dangers of speeding.

State and local law enforcement officers in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina and Tennessee will conduct concentrated enforcement on interstates and major highways in their respective states during the campaign, which runs through Sunday, July 23.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said 12,330 people were killed in traffic accidents involving speeding in the United States in 2021, which is a 28% increase from 2019. Speeding was a factor in 28% of total fatal crashes in the country in 2021 compared to 26% in 2019.

In the five southern states participating in the campaign, there were 1773 people killed in crashes involving speeding in 2021. That number was 17% higher than in 2019. Speed was a factor in 24% of the total fatal crashes in the participating states in 2021.

"Traffic data has shown speeding greatly increases the chances of crashes occurring and higher speeds usually increase the chances of serious or fatal injury to those involved in a traffic crash," the press release reads.

"We are focused on where we are going when driving but it is important to remember that everyone traveling on the road is also heading somewhere important to them and driving at slower speeds will help you and everyone safely reach their destination," said Allen Poole, Director of the Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety. “The data from the last two years has shown driving at higher speeds has been one of the factors in the increase in traffic deaths on our nation’s highways and eliminating traffic deaths from illegal and dangerous driving behaviors is the number one goal in the ‘Operation Southern Slow Down’ campaign.”   

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offered the following tips for motorists:

  • Faster speeds require longer to stop a vehicle
  • The stopping distance quadruples every time a driver doubles their speed.
  • Allow more stopping time for bigger vehicles when traveling downhill on wet or uneven pavement
  • Check your speedometer when approaching a curve. Apply the brakes before the curve.
  • Remember, children will usually drive in the manner they see adults. Set a good example by driving at the speed limit.

Additionally, the NHTSA offered the following tips if you find yourself driving on the same road as a driver who is speeding:

  • Give speeding drivers plenty of space
  • If speeding drivers are following too closely, allow them to pass
  • Stay out of the far left lane unless it is passing another vehicle
  • Always wear a seat belt
  • Associated Categories: Homepage, Local/State News
  • Associated Tags: Governor's Office of Highway Safety, speeding, GOHS, Operation Southern Slowdown, Operation Southern Slow Down
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