The Hall County Sheriff's Office will temporarily take and respond to overnight calls in the City of Oakwood, as the city's police department faces a critical staff shortage.
According to a press release from the Hall County Sheriff's Office, sheriff's deputies will answer calls within Oakwood city limits between midnight and 6 a.m. effective immediately. The procedure for Oakwood residents has not changed. They can still call 911 during an emergency, while non-emergency calls can be directed to 770-536-8812.
Oakwood Police Chief Tim Hatch said the department's staffing has dropped significantly since January.
"[Since January], we have had a total turnover of about nine officers," Hatch said. "That's a combined 11 vacant positions in a 24-person department, which is pretty critical. On top of that, we've had one office go out on a family and medical leave act situation, and one of the other positions we have is not fully effective, because that officer is still in training."
Hatch said the department modified their schedules and asked the sheriff's office for help while they search for new hires.
"Even though the sheriff's office has their own concerns and their own issues, certainly they're dealing with manpower and staffing issues as well, they've been very gracious to support us in our need," Hatch said.
Hatch said he believes some of the staffing struggles came about after several nearby agencies raised their salaries.
"A lot of the certified experienced officers that we're seeing compare our starting salary with what they're either making or have seen at other agencies," Hatch said. "It kind of throws a bucket of ice water on our discussion about coming here to Oakwood."
Hatch said he was hopeful they could pick up overnight calls again within four weeks.
Those interested in applying for a position with the Oakwood Police Department can visit the agency in person and ask for an application, or visit the City of Oakwood's website.