Tuesday March 4th, 2025 11:31PM

The chilliest Howl-o-ween ever

Yesterday was Halloween, or Howl-o-ween if you’re a domesticated pet. (All holidays are required to have pet puns if possible.)

I didn’t really do a lot that was very festive. I did sweep and mop my foyer, kitchen, and half-bath, a  task that has been haunting my to-do list for some time now. But you didn’t come here for that.

No, I know everyone just wants to see those costumed pet pictures. And honestly, I can’t blame you. Pets wearing clothing cracks me up, and Halloween is prime pickin’s for it.

I pulled out my bag of pet costumes, I mean, tricks, the night before and decided Smidge would be a magical unicorn this year. Since we didn’t have much on the agenda for sleepy Sunday Halloween, I decided Smidge needed a little photoshoot and a walk in her costume.

Let me just say everything has pros and cons. Smidge loved walking in her costume. She looked hilarious and I hope every car that passed us got a laugh. The biggest pro to her costume was she fit right in with the lone trick or treater we saw (a superhero) and she did amazing around the little boy. He was under 10 and knew to give my dog her space. She appreciated it and barely even acknowledged him while we chatted. If you know Smidge, her ignoring anything unusual is a massive feat. She did awesome around the costumed child and I was so proud.

There was a con. The con was that someone (an adult) tried to be nice to her and let her sniff. Instead of accepting the sniffing, she got all snappy and rude. I felt bad, and it was very out of character for a unicorn. I was hoping the costume would magically make Smidge a little nicer. It almost worked!

Smidge also wore her Jack-o-lantern sweater with attached tutu and Cairo had his orange jester collar on. I actually woke Cairo up from a nap to take a picture with his festive collar on. He obliged but I probably should have planned that better. Like I’d want to be woken up from a nap for an impromptu photoshoot. (Ok, I probably would. The teenager in me still enjoys ridiculous and excessive photoshoots.)

So I got my Halloween wish for my decked out pets to take part in my silly photoshoots and give the neighbors a little giggle. Especially since I closed the blinds and turned off the lights for trick-or-treating this year. Cairo does well with trick-or-treaters, even with him in costume and on a leash, but Smidge gets overwhelmed by all the action.

Maybe next year I can find a family costume theme that involves her barking like mad somehow.

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