THOMASTON — The Georgia High School Association is comfortable, for now, with keeping the status quo as it moves toward the beginning of the 2020-21 school year and the sports seasons in general.
On Wednesday, after a meeting with the Sports Medicine Advisory Council, the GHSA elected to not implement any additional changes to the Coronavirus Guidance Plan. All previously distributed correspondence is still in place until further notice.
In its statement, the GHSA "is expecting all schools to continue reporting any and all Positive COVID-19 cases (list positive test date, athlete or coach, and sport) results since June 8th.
"In addition to the positive cases, (the GHSA) is requesting (member schools) report any and all individuals who have been screened out of any conditioning workouts (list date screened out, athlete or coach, and sport)."
The GHSA, however, also said that "recommendations and restrictions are fluid and subject to change," and that safety (will) be (their) top priority."