Monday March 17th, 2025 5:12AM

Oakwood City Council tables Martin Road rezoning request

Oakwood City Council members voted to table a controversial rezoning request for a portion of Martin Road at their meeting Monday night.

Applicant Tyler Gaines had requested the 15-acre property 4270 Martin Road be rezoned from "Multi Family Residential" to "Highway Business." Neighbors, however, turned out to oppose the rezoning, bringing forth information from the Martin Road Stakeholders, the Georgia Department of Transportation, and from homeowners along the road. In total, four people or groups spoke in opposition, and no one but the developer spoke for it.

“I think primarily because you have the interchange that’s getting ready to open, the economy is turning around, it probably was time for that project to come forward,” said City Manager Stan Brown. “The Martin Road Stakeholders group raised concerns that they had about the project and their opposition to it, and the city council decided to table it and take that under advisement and consider it next month.”

The council will take another look at their September 9 meeting. 

The other application for rezoning on the agenda, Powers Bros Real Estate asking to rezone almost two acres of land on Old Oakwood Road from “Hall County Light Industrial” to “Oakwood Heavy Industrial,” was approved unanimously.

The council also voted unanimously to deny the previously tabled annexation request of McKinley Homes US, LLC, which was a proposed townhome development with single car garages on Atlanta Highway and Osborne Road.

  • Associated Categories: Homepage, Local/State News, Politics
  • Associated Tags: Oakwood City Council, Martin Road, commercial development , rezoning
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