Saturday March 15th, 2025 11:14PM
4:29PM ( 6 hours ago ) News Alert

GHMPO wants community input as regional transportation plan is crafted

By AccessWDUN Staff

As Hall County transportation planners work on a 2020 Regional Transportation Plan, they have begun to gather public input on the document.

The Gainesville Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization (GHMPO) said it's in the process of identifying short, mid and long-term projects to implement over the next 30 years. Those projects will include a wide variety of transportation-related improvements including potential new roads, road widenings and intersection improvements, according to information provided in a Friday afternoon press statement. GHMPO is also looking at improvements for transit, bicycles and pedestrians.

The agency will set up booths at two upcoming events in the area to gather input and offer information to community members. 

The first one is the Annual Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Transportation Forum scheduled for Thursday, March 7 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m at the University of North Georgia’s Gainesville Campus Continuing Education Building Auditorium. The second is the Gainesville Spring Chicken Festival on April 27 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Longwood Park.

GHMPO has also set up an online survey for community members who would prefer to offer their input electronically. The survey is available via this link. The survey will be posted through May 24, 2019. 

  • Associated Categories: Homepage, Local/State News
  • Associated Tags: transportation , GHMPO, community input, community survey , 2020 Regional Transportation Plan , Gainesville Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization
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