Sunday March 9th, 2025 4:29AM

Suwanee approves $13.4M budget, looks to hold millage rate steady

Suwanee City Council has given its approval to the 2019 fiscal year budget, totaling $13.4 million, with city leaders looking to hold the millage rate steady at 4.93 mills, the same as it's been since 2013.

"It's a pretty conventional budget. It includes some employee [items.] We have an employee evaluation program, and it does include potential raises, depending upon employee performance," said Marty Allen, city manager.

The budget also calls for the creation of an "environmental division" of the city's public works department, something council recommended at its retreat earlier this year.

The new division would manage the contracts for city beautification and maintenance projects, like street sweeping, landscaping and repair work, according to documents on the city's budget website.

The new division would come at a cost of $153,490.

The city's general fund is also projected to grow by 3.4-percent, thanks in part to a 6.9-percent uptick in property tax revenue.

Council approved the budget unanimously at its meeting Tuesday night.

As for the millage rate, the city puts together the budget on a projected millage rate, which isn't usually approved until August. Allen said there will be two public hearings on the proposed millage rate before adoption.

  • Associated Categories: Homepage, Local/State News, Georgia News
  • Associated Tags: Gwinnett County, Budget, Suwanee, politics, Suwanee City Council, millage rate
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