All of the Davidson Quadruplets were finally able to go home this week.
Callie was the last of the four naturally-conceived quadruplets to mom Julie and dad Justin to head home after spending some time in the NICU at Northeast Georgia Medical Center.
The four baby girls now all at home, joining a brother, Bentley, who has his own room. "We've been staying in the living room a whole lot more so we don't have to listen to them through the radio, we can be there closer and help them, take care of them and we can sleep more that way because we know they're ok," said Justin Davidson.
Bentley Davidson is adjusting just fine to his new younger siblings. "He loves them, he's so excited, very sweet," said Julie Davidson.
"Things went a lot better than we could ever hope for," said Justin Davidson. "The babies did so well, they were healthy and strong already when they came out. Julie did great, she felt a lot better than you would expect from somebody carrying four... it was tough on her but she did great."
They Davidsons said if they were giving advice to new parents, it would be to schedule but be flexible and take the time to enjoy the little moments. "You've gotta take it one day at a time," said Julie Davidson. "It's amazing the bond they have with each other... and how they soothe each other and comfort each other. They're only little once, the dishes can wait."
The quads were born in January.