The Hall County Rotary Club recently hosted about 100 people for dinner at Healan's Head's Mill near Lula.
Rotary District Governor David Cooper and Rotarians from Habersham County, South Hall, Dawson County and the Gainesville Rotary Club were among the guests.
The venue is the site of Hall County's last standing gristmill, and local government and a number of area residents have joined forces to save and restore it.
The event was held in honor of World Polio Day which is coming up Tuesday.
Rotary International spearheaded the global heath partnership that has nearly obliterated polio from the world with only twelves cases so far this year, in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Funds were raised not only for Rotary’s PolioPlus fund, but also for the Hall County club’s Bell of the Ball candidate, Gracie Caudell, a student at Lakeview Academy and daughter of Chan and Tammy Caudell of Cornelia. The Bell of the Ball will be selected at the Junior League of Gainesville-Hall County's Charity Ball in December.