Fifteen pieces of art have been selected for the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce's GOGOArt project and have been installed at bus shelters along streets in Gainesville.
The VISION 2030 Public Art Projects work in partnership with the Quinlan Visual Arts Center, the City of Gainesville, Hall County and other public and private contributors.
In April 2016, the City of Gainesville received a Federal Transportation Administration grant for transportation art through the Gainesville Connection, the local fixed-route public transportation system. Led by City of Gainesville staff, the VISION 20030 Public Art Committee, and the Quinlan Visual Arts Center, 15 pieces of art have been installed on bus shelters within the community. Art for this project was selected in order to introduce artistic works which build on the Gainesville Connection brand of connecting people to family, friends, recreation, business, government, education, retail, nonprofits and places of importance, according to a chamber of commerce news release.
“Thematically and visually, works are focused on the connectivity of people to the community,” said Amanda K. McClure, Executive Director, Quinlan Visual Arts Center. “I am incredibly impressed at how vibrant these pieces are, when you see them in person they are really stunning and make quite a “splash” in the community. I’m proud of the artists selected and excited that the Quinlan got to play a small part.”
Artists selected include:
Juanivir Acosta
Jason Bohannon
Helene Gardelle
Anne Brodie
Travis Massey
Erica McCullough
Frank Norton Jr.
Victoria Webb
Larry Griffeth
Edgar Esquivel
Penny K. Stowe
A subcommittee of VISION 2030 reviewed 86 submission pieces in the process of securing the 15 that were installed.
VISION 2030, sponsored by the chamber, is a community initiative to provide "a common vision for what Gainesville and Hall County would look like in the year 2030."
For more information on this and other VISON 2030 Public Art Projects, visit