Sunday March 2nd, 2025 5:25PM
2:30PM ( 2 hours ago ) News Alert

Head of Dawson Co. Detention Center enters Dawson Co. sheriff's race

By AccessWDUN staff

DAWSONVILLE - A veteran lawman and current Major in the Dawson County Sheriff's Office has announced plans to run for the top job in the department.

Jeff Johnson says he will run in next year's Republican Primary.   The incumbent, Billy Carlisle, has said he does not plan to seek re-election.

With nearly 23 years of service, Johnson has experience in detention, patrol, courts, investigations, specialized assignments, training, internal affairs, and community programs. He currently serves as the detention commander as well as a departmental firearms and defensive tactics instructor.

“The office of the sheriff is a complex entity," Johnson said in announcing his candidacy.  "There are many components with many different functions and responsibilities. Your sheriff must be well experienced in these areas in order to effectively lead and command. To make the informed and educated decisions regarding our community, a sheriff must possess the first hand knowledge and ability to assess these issues. Otherwise, he or she is simply relying on the advice of others.”

Johnson says his motivation to run for thes office is simple. “As a county resident for over 31 years, I have a vested interest in our people, our county, and our safety. This is where I work, where I worship and where I play.”

Johnson believes that one of the greatest issues facing the sheriff’s office is the increased exposure to liability.

“A law enforcement officer has the authority to seize and take someone’s freedom. Anytime a person is taken into custody, the county’s exposure to liability increases. We must always make certain that our actions, our policies and our procedures are always conducted in accordance with state and federal law.” We must constantly strive to reduce our liability while providing optimal police and community services.”

To learn more about Johnson and his campaign, check the following:  website -,  Facebook page – Jeff Johnson for Sheriff, and email – [email protected]

  • Associated Categories: Local/State News, Politics
  • Associated Tags: 2016 election, Dawson County Sheriff's Office, candidacy
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